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Showing posts with label Pregnancy Month-by-Month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy Month-by-Month. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Changes in The Ninth Month of Pregnancy

Changes in The Ninth Month of Pregnancy,Pregnancy’s Ninth Month,What happens in Ninth Month Pregnancy,Precautions for Pregnant Ladies in Ninth Month

The last month of your pregnancy has begun and with this starts the full excitement for your baby’s birth. The baby is almost formed and you are almost ready to give birth to a new life. Read on to know about the changes in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Changes in the Mother

· In the ninth month of pregnancy, you will feel the urge to urinate frequently due to your baby’s movement towards the cervix.

· During this month of pregnancy, there will be an increase in vaginal discharge.

· Due to increased heaviness, you might also feel backache and discomfort in the pelvic areas.

· This month, a pregnant lady also feels leg cramps and itching on the abdomen.

· Due to heavy weight, a pregnant lady will feel uncomfortable to move around in this last month of pregnancy.

· On the emotional front, you will feel relieved that you are almost there.

Changes in the Growing Baby

· In the last month of pregnancy, your baby will take up almost al the space in your womb.

· In this month, your baby will continue to put on fat and will have pink skin.

· During the ninth month of pregnancy, your baby will have soft bones on head and soft nails.

· The baby starts storing iron in the liver for outer life.

· This is the month of pregnancy, when your baby will move towards the pelvis and then towards the cervix, just ready for the birth.

Changes in The Eighth Month of Pregnancy

Changes in The Eighth Month of Pregnancy,Pregnancy’s Eighth Month,What happens in Eighth Month Pregnancy,Precautions for Pregnant Ladies in Eighth Month

With the starting of the eighth month of pregnancy, your wait for your new born baby is just two month away. This is one of the most crucial months of pregnancy and it is the time when your baby will complete his or her formation. Read on to know about the changes in the eighth month of pregnancy.

Changes in the Mother

· In the eighth month of pregnancy, a pregnant lady might feel short of breath due to extreme pressure on the lower chest.

· Moreover, the weight of the baby adds strain to the pregnant lady’s lower back and stomach.

· During this month of pregnancy, you might also feel uncomfortable while sleeping.

· In the eighth month of pregnancy, you will also feel increasing Braxton Hicks contractions.

· In this phase of your pregnancy, your navel will stretch out and flattened as your size increases.

Changes in the Growing Baby

· In the eighth month of pregnancy, the baby is womb is almost formed and will look the same during birth time.

· Baby’s kicks will be felt even stronger in this month of pregnancy.

· Your baby is also in a condition to distinguish between light and dark.

· This is the time of pregnancy, when your immunities will be transferred to your baby and it will help the baby to fight off infections after birth.

· Due to less space in the womb, during this stage of pregnancy, your baby will turn into a downward position, almost ready for birth.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Changes in The Seventh Month of Pregnancy

Changes in The Seventh Month of Pregnancy,What happens in Seventh Month Pregnancy,Precautions for Pregnant Ladies in 7th Month

With the seventh month of pregnancy, begins the last trimester of your pregnancy. Like always, in this month too you will be curious to know what all changes does you and your baby undergoes. Read on to know how the seventh month of pregnancy changes you and your baby in growth.

Changes in the Mother

· In the seventh month of pregnancy, you might feel uncomfortable during bowel movements.

· In this phase of your pregnancy, you will also notice that the veins of your breasts will be more noticeable.

· There will be a good weight gain during this month of pregnancy, especially on your thighs, stomach and buttocks.

· Seventh month of pregnancy will make you bit clumsy and absent minded.

· This is the month when your stretch marks will be even more prominent.

· On the emotional front, a pregnant lady in the seventh month of pregnancy feels more anxious and apprehensive.

Changes in the Growing Baby

· In the seventh month of pregnancy, your baby in the womb will make more movements and have an increased body weight.

· This is the month, when your baby will develop taste buds on the tongue.

· This is not all, in the seventh month of pregnancy; your baby will fully develop his or her eyes, cheeks, nostrils and can perceive light and smell.

· In the seventh month of pregnancy, baby develops tiny air sacs in the lungs and starts primitive breathing movements.

· During this month of pregnancy, you will also be able to see the actual shape of the baby’s foot and bottom in the ultrasound.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Changes in The Sixth Month of Pregnancy

Changes in The Sixth Month of Pregnancy,Pregnancy’s Sixth Month,What happens in Sixth Month Pregnancy,Precautions for Pregnant Ladies in Sixth Month

You have already completed more than half of your pregnant journey, now comes the sixth month. Read to know what all changes you will face in this month and how your baby will grow within you in the sixth month of pregnancy.

Changes in the Mother

· By the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy, you will start feeling the foetal activity and kicking of the baby more often.

· You may also suffer from leg cramps, mild edema and varicose veins, but worry not, as all these can be treated by pregnancy exercises.

· Due to the enlargement of your abdomen, you may feel itching on your abdomen.

· In the sixth month, your belly button might also pop out but it will be go back after delivery.

· In this month of pregnancy, pregnant ladies also tend to sweat a lot.

· There will be chances of the appearance of stretch marks on breasts, upper thighs, abdomen and on the areas where fats are stored.

· This is the month, when even a child will get to notice that you are pregnant.

· Beware to balance yourself, as your centre of gravity will start changing by this month.

Changes in the Growing Baby

· In the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby can easily open and close eyes and eyelids.

· Moreover, the baby can hear sounds inside you and might also react to certain noises.

· You will get to feel the baby’s coughing and hiccups.

· In this month, baby will indulge in vigorous activities like kicking, punching and moving.

· Baby in the sixth month of pregnancy are red and wrinkled.

· In this month, the baby’s sweat glands are forming.

· The baby in this month will look lean in ultrasounds, as their still no accumulation of fat.

· With this month, the baby will start to have feelings like a human being.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Changes in The Fifth Month of Pregnancy

Changes in The Fifth Month of Pregnancy,Pregnancy’s Fifth Month,What happens in Fifth Month Pregnancy,Precautions for Pregnant Ladies in Fifth Month

With the starting of the fifth month, you have almost come across half of your sweet journey, called, Pregnancy. Reading this article, you will come across how you and your growing baby will develop in the fifth month of pregnancy.

Changes in the Mother
· Don’t worry if you feel breathless in this month. This will happen because your uterus is under heavy pressure due to enlargement.

· In the fifth month of pregnancy, your varicose veins will be seen and there will be a mild edema.

· Your weight will increase tremendously and due to this you will feel leg cramps.

· In this month, pregnant ladies also tend to feel an increase in their appetite.

· There are also chances of pain in the lower abdomen due to the stretching ligaments.

· In the fifth month of pregnancy, pregnant ladies can notice prominent skin pigmentations.

· There are chances of suffering from the problem of bleeding gums and brittle nails.

· This is the month, when you will for the first time feel the first movements of your baby.

· There will be radiant glow on your face in this month of your pregnancy.

Changes in the Growing Baby
· In the fifth month of pregnancy, your baby will be more active and will sleep and wake at regular intervals.

· This will be the time when the hair on the baby’s head will appear. Not only this, the baby’s arms and legs are well developed.

· The baby also has his or her own fingerprints and footprints by this month.

· In this month, the baby will have a white cheesy coating called vernix to protect the baby skin from the amniotic fluid.

· The baby in this month will have firm hand grip and can also move gently in your uterus and might also kick you.

· From now on, the baby will continue to grow and refine his or her features.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Changes in The Fourth Month of Pregnancy

Changes in The Fourth Month of Pregnancy,Pregnancy’s Fourth Month,What happens in Fourth Month Pregnancy,Precautions for Pregnant Ladies in Fourth Month

The first trimester of your pregnancy is over and it’s the beginning of the second trimester. Here comes, the fourth month of your pregnancy. If you are curious enough to know what all you and your growing baby will feel in this month, read on.

Changes in the Mother
· With the beginning of the fourth month of pregnancy, a woman will start appearing to be pregnant with the bulging abdomen.

· This month, the areola will darken and enlarge. Moreover, the linea nigra will appear, which will fade after the birth of your child.

· By the fourth month, your vomiting and nausea feeling will end.

· Your breasts will continue to enlarge and will be less tender now.

· In the fourth month of pregnancy, you might face occasional headaches and nosebleeds due to body adjustments to increased blood volume.

· By this time, the need to urinate frequently will decrease and you will feel pleasure and excitement of pregnancy.

Changes in the Growing Baby
· In the fourth month of pregnancy, your baby’s eyebrows, hair, eyelashes, fingernails and toenails are forming.

· By this time of your pregnancy, the baby has developed his or her taste buds, vocal cords and he or she can even suck the thumb.

· As you enter the fourth month of your pregnancy, your baby’s all major organs start functioning.

· The baby now has a neck and his or her heartbeat is strong that you can even hear it using a Doppler.

· The baby in the fourth month can smile and frown.

· In this month, the baby has fine downy hair on her face and body.

· Baby’s skin is thin and transparent and the blood vessels can be seen underneath.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Changes in The Third Month of Pregnancy

Changes in The First Month of Pregnancy,Pregnancy’s First Month,What happens in First Month Pregnancy,Precautions for Pregnant Ladies in First Month

The first trimester of your pregnancy is about to over with the beginning of the third month. This is the time, when you and your baby will experience many changes. Read on to know how this period of pregnancy will turn out for you.

Changes in the Mother
· The first change you might feel in the third month is the need to urinate more frequently due to the enlargement in your uterus.

· Another thing that might trouble you is constipation due to slow bowel movements.

· This is the month when the bluish lines under the skin of your breasts will expand.

· In the third month of pregnancy, sweat glands in the areola will be more prominent just like large goose bumps.

· Moreover, the additional veins around the abdomen and legs will be more visible due to the increase in blood supply to these areas.

· There will be a significant increase in your appetite in this month of your pregnancy.

· On the emotional front, you will feel be very sensitive and will get upset very easily.

· This is the month when you will get the best gift of pregnancy- a facial growth.

Changes in the Growing Baby
· Your baby grows with you in your third month of pregnancy. It grows from an embryo to a foetus.

· In this month, the eyelids, fingers, finger buds and toe buds of the baby will be formed.

· The baby also develops his or her teeth and lips.

· The baby begins to develop his or her reproductive organs, umbilical cord and placenta in the third month of pregnancy.

· This is the month, when your baby starts kicking inside the womb but you might not feel it yet.

· In the third month, the baby also opens and closes her mouth to suck and swallow the fluid around.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Changes in The Second Month of Pregnancy

Fetus in womb in second month of pregnancy with proper labelling
Changes in The Second Month of Pregnancy,Pregnancy’s Second Month,Baby’s Growth in Second Month of Pregnancy,Tips for First Trimester of Pregnancy

They say that the future destiny of a child is always the work of a mother. This is true and the second month of pregnancy in a mother to-be proves it. This crucial month of pregnancy is the time for the baby to form all the major parts of the body. The pregnant lady too feels a lot of changes in her body and moods.

Changes in the Mother· Mothers to-be in their second month of pregnancy might feel indigestion, heartburn and bloating.

· Pregnancy ladies in their second month of pregnancy might also crave for certain food types at any time of the day or night.

· Some odors and smells might become intolerable for the pregnant ladies in this month of their pregnancy.

· There are also chances of some occasional headaches and dizziness during this month due to hormonal changes.

· In the second month of pregnancy, mothers to-be might also feel having fuller and heavier breasts and their areola will darken with some blue lines.

· Pregnant ladies in the second month of pregnancy might also have an increased vaginal discharge and emotional mood swings.

Changes in the Growing Baby
· During this month of pregnancy, your unborn baby will begin to have more defined facial features.

· The baby will start forming the internal organs like lungs, heart, liver and kidneys.

· Even a primitive spinal cord will begin to form along with the nervous system in the baby.

· Baby’s digestive system, pancreas, intestines and gallbladder will also begin to grow in this crucial month of the first trimester of pregnancy.

· The baby’s arms and legs will be visible but fingers are yet to be formed.

· The amniotic sac or the water bag that will keep the baby safe inside the womb will also be visible.

· Baby’s first bone cells will also be visible and will become hard.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Changes in The First Month of Pregnancy

First Month Pregnancy Fetus or Embryo in pregnant lady womb
Changes in The First Month of Pregnancy,Pregnancy’s First Month,What happens in First Month Pregnancy,Precautions for Pregnant Ladies in First Month

Whether you believe it or not, God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers. The first month of Pregnancy is like the beginning of a new journey. Read on to know, what changes you as a mother will go and what changes will your growing baby undergo.

Changes in the Mother
· The first change in the pregnancy lady in the first month of pregnancy would be a missed period.

· You may also feel sleepy and fatigued.

· Apart from it, pregnant ladies in their first month might feel the need to urinate frequently.

· Morning sickness, also known as nausea or vomiting are the other symptoms that will be seen in the pregnant ladies in the first month.

· Breasts might begin to enlarge and will be very sensitive to touch.

· Mothers to-be in their first month of pregnancy will also undergo some emotional changes and might feel irritable in a minute and elated in the other minute.

Changes in the Growing Baby· With your growth as a mother, one of your eggs have fertilized with one of the sperms and created an ovum in the uterus.

· As the first month will end, this ovum will form into an embryo from a single cell.

· Your baby already has a head and a body in the first month of pregnancy.

· The formation of the baby’s brain, eyes, inner ears, mouth, digestive system, arms and legs will start developing.