Tips To Avoid Pregnancy Miscarriage, How to Avoid Miscarriage,Ways of Preventing Miscarriage,Pregnancy after Miscarriage,Dealing with Pregnancy Complications
Many mothers to be are afraid of the one word, called “miscarriage”. Well, there is nothing to worry, if they know how to avoid pregnancy miscarriage, rest is all in the hands of God. There are many things a pregnant woman should take care of in order to avoid miscarriage, read on to see the list of such tips.
· Backaches: Backaches, even if mild should be taken seriously during pregnancy. Pregnant ladies should consult their doctor in case of any backache or menstrual cramp sort of aches.
Many mothers to be are afraid of the one word, called “miscarriage”. Well, there is nothing to worry, if they know how to avoid pregnancy miscarriage, rest is all in the hands of God. There are many things a pregnant woman should take care of in order to avoid miscarriage, read on to see the list of such tips.
· Backaches: Backaches, even if mild should be taken seriously during pregnancy. Pregnant ladies should consult their doctor in case of any backache or menstrual cramp sort of aches.
· Smoking & Drinking: There should be a complete no to smoking and drinking during pregnancy, as these habits are very dangerous for the unborn baby in the womb.
· Bleeding: Pregnant ladies should immediately contact their doctor in case of any bleeding from the vagina during those 9 months. Some spotting during first initial pregnancy months is normal but bleeding later on can mean miscarriage.
· Medication: Pregnant ladies with chronic diseases like diabetes and thyroid should try to control these diseases with diet instead of taking medicines during pregnancy, else taking medicines during pregnancy can result in miscarriage.
· Rest: Try to take adequate rest during your pregnancy. At least, take eight hours sleep each night and if possible, a short nap in the noon during your pregnancy in order to avoid miscarriage.