With the seventh month of pregnancy, begins the last trimester of your pregnancy. Like always, in this month too you will be curious to know what all changes does you and your baby undergoes. Read on to know how the seventh month of pregnancy changes you and your baby in growth.
Changes in the Mother
· In the seventh month of pregnancy, you might feel uncomfortable during bowel movements.
· In this phase of your pregnancy, you will also notice that the veins of your breasts will be more noticeable.
· There will be a good weight gain during this month of pregnancy, especially on your thighs, stomach and buttocks.
· Seventh month of pregnancy will make you bit clumsy and absent minded.
· This is the month when your stretch marks will be even more prominent.
· On the emotional front, a pregnant lady in the seventh month of pregnancy feels more anxious and apprehensive.
Changes in the Growing Baby
· In the seventh month of pregnancy, your baby in the womb will make more movements and have an increased body weight.
· This is the month, when your baby will develop taste buds on the tongue.
· This is not all, in the seventh month of pregnancy; your baby will fully develop his or her eyes, cheeks, nostrils and can perceive light and smell.
· In the seventh month of pregnancy, baby develops tiny air sacs in the lungs and starts primitive breathing movements.
· During this month of pregnancy, you will also be able to see the actual shape of the baby’s foot and bottom in the ultrasound.